McGregor's Melon Rock Hales Best Specialty Seeds
McGregor's Melon Rock Hales Best Specialty Seeds
A tasty and refreshing summer fruit. Prefers hot and dry climates. This variety requires a long, warm season to allow the fruit to mature but it's worth the wait. Oval fruit with delicious organge flesh, best served cold.
How To Sow: Choose a well drained site in full sun. Best sown in trays or pots for subsequent transplanting or, after frosts. Sprinle seeds 15cm apart and cover to a depth of 1cm. Later, transplant to 1 metre apart.
Seedling Care: Keep seedbed or trays evenly moist during the germination period of 7-10 days. Apply McGregor's FruitMax 2 weeks after germination for healthier plans and a maximum crop. Protect your vege garden from snails and slugs with McGregor's Snail and Slug bait and from White Butterfly with McGregor's Derris Dust.
Hints and Tips: Melons must have warm growing conditions and shelter from wind. Keep plants irrigated through summer by soak hoses or similar. Avoid watering the foliage. Melons require a long growing season. Ideally you can start them a few weeks early under cover, or in a glasshouse.
Our seeds are not treated with Neonicitinoids